
Unlimited Courses: Create unlimited courses and lessons with unlimited content and access
Course Categories: Organize your courses into categories and groups for learners to find and take the courses they need
Pre-Requisite Courses: Take a learner down a course path by requiring certain courses to be taken before others
Verify Course Viewing: Settings to ensure your learners are engaged in a course and meet the viewing requirements
Content Supported: Use your own content such as videos and Powerpoints, PDFs, audio files, images, text content, etc
Custom Certificate: Customizable certificates with the information and fields you require, along with achievement requirement
Course Deadlines / Restrictions: Create settings for course attempts, completion deadlines, and retake limits for your learners
Course Description Page: Show a detailed description of your course and instructor, before learners enroll
Device Friendly: Access online courses on any browser or mobile device
Global Settings: Create settings that will automatically apply to all courses created

Add Individual Learners: Manually add/register learners and groups, or allow them to register themselves
Bulk Upload / Enroll Learners: Use your existing Excel list of learners to upload into your Click 4 Course site
Export Learners: Download all learners into an Excel spreadsheet at any time
Create Learner Groups: Unlimited learner groups. Invite them to a course, or send them notifications in one step
View / Edit Learner Information: View profile details for each learner, based on information they entered upon registration
Learner Status: Check current status and progress of your learners at any time
Single Sign-on: Enable SSO for easy login access for your learners

Require Passing Score: Set passing score percentages for tests, and choose to show/hide correct answers
Completion Dates: Set an end date for your learners to complete the test
Randomize Question Order: Mix up the order for each time your learners take a test
Custom Intro / End Message: Create custom messages at the beginning of the test/survey, and at the end, depending on how they scored on the test
Certificates: Customize certificates that your learners will be able to download, based on course and test requirements
Multiple Question Types: Choose from several question types, including Multiple Choice, Multiple Select, True / False, Agree / Disagree and short answer
Multiple Tests: Add multiple tests in a test to a course, at the end of each lesson
Test Settings: Allow for re-tries, question review, and results viewing
Registration Fields: Create customized questions and fields based on the information you’d like to receive when a learner registers
Site Customization: Add your own logo, welcome message / image, banner and background colors and button colors
Unlimited Administrators: Add administrators who can create courses, manage learners, receive notifications, and more
Custom Domain: Use a custom domain we provide, or, use your own domain for your course site. Google analytics included
Unlimited Instructors: Add instructors who can edit courses, but have limited access to administrative features
Discount Codes: If you’re charging for courses, create and offer unlimited discount codes
Add FAQ’s for your Learners: Customize your own FAQs based on what your learners might be interested in knowing about your courses
Unlimited Support: Unlimited phone and email support for all customers
Quick View: See a one-click snapshot of learners’ progress for courses taken, in progress, and completed
Learner Reports: Run and download full reports of your learners progress in their courses
Test / Survey Reports: Run and download full reports of test and survey results, including details from individual questions and answers
Export: Reports can be downloaded to PDF to view, or Excel to sort and edit
Recent Activity: View a timeline of recent activity (registration, enrollment, completion, etc.) by day, week, month or all time
Automated Learner Notifications: Customize auto-notifications to learners for actions such as registering, enrolling, and completing a course
Automated Admin Notifications: Option for automatic emails to the Admin (you) when learners register, enroll, or complete a course
Customizeable Messages: Use our ready-to-go templated forms for your notifications, or customize your own messages for each notification
Individual or Group Messaging: Use our system to send direct emails to one, some, groups, or all of your learners