Create online training and learning courses with the ability to customize and evaluate learners based on a number of methods. If you have trainees undertaking online learning, you want to be able to ensure that the courses you create are exceeding your expectations, and this is why measuring your progress and carrying out tests and surveys is so important. If you’re interested in offering online courses, here are some of the benefits of measuring success.

Creating Online Courses

Online course platforms like Click 4 Course offer you the opportunity to create as many online training courses as you desire. You have complete control over the course, and you can design it according to your own personal preferences and the academic requirements of the individual program or certification you’re offering. You can organize your courses into different categories, and you can alter the content of each course at any time, and provide additional information or documents that the learners can download as they take your courses. You can take advantage of different media platforms, including Powerpoint and video clips (whether they’re video files, or videos hosted on other platforms, which can be embedded into your Click 4 Course site). You can add personalized settings, which allow or restrict access and establish a logical sequence if you want trainees to complete one or several pre-requisite courses before moving onto another.

Customizing Your Online Course

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You can set up your course using different patterns of questioning or question types, and even establish an order of the questions, or randomize them. Being able to enforce passing scores and set deadlines allows you to meet regulations and requirements set by your state or other associations. You can choose the kinds of questions your trainees answer, for example, multiple choice or true or false questions. You can add a message that appears at the beginning and end of the test or survey, and you can modify this message as you go along. You can also edit the message that pops up at the end of the test with the pass or fail score. You may want to select a different post for those that pass to those that fail, for example. You can choose to display the right answer and tell the user whether they’ve got that question right after every question or wait until the end of the test to reveal the results and the correct responses.

We also give you the opportunity to present personalized certificates upon completion of the course. You can decide when to present certificates based on pass and fail scores, and the user can view and download their custom certificate. You can add details about the learner, the course and the pass score, as well as your brand name and logo.

Measuring Trainee Success

Teachable vs Click 4 Course vs Thinkific
Compare Thinkific vs Teachable and Click 4 Course

If you’re running training courses online, you want to be able to show how your trainees are doing and measure the success of the testing methods you’re utilizing. If every candidate is getting every question right, this may alert you to the fact that the test may be too simple, for example. Likewise, analyzing results may highlight strengths in some learners and weaknesses in others. You can use the information you obtain from testing to shape your courses going forward and make them more relevant to your trainees.

You can look at reports based on specific tests and surveys and individual learners. This enables you to see how the group is tackling the tests on the whole, as well as giving you the opportunity to check how individuals are progressing. You can see how well people are performing on each question, as well as on tests in general and you can export reports if you wish to.

Analyzing the efficacy of your courses

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If you’re encouraging trainees to complete courses online, it makes sense that you want them to get the most of the learning opportunities and this is why analyzing results is so beneficial. You can gain information about the efficacy of different types of question, for example, true or false, multiple choice or multiple select questions, and you can see how effective different types of learning are in terms of information and knowledge retention. Using reports, you can identify effective learning methods and pick out techniques that perhaps aren’t as effective. You can also access information about individual learners, which may help you to assist and support them going forward. Reports are available for tests, but they are also linked to each learner, so you can make your course more personal.

The information you gather from testing can help you to design new courses and make improvements to existing tests. If you find that learners are more likely to retain information if the right answer is revealed after every question rather than being unveiled at the end, you can use this knowledge to create your next test. You can also evaluate the use of different types of content, for example, video clips. Many people respond well to visual cues and watching clips may make it easier for them to learn.

You can also consider using surveys to obtain feedback from the learners themselves. They have first-hand experience of taking the tests and participating in the program, and the information and feedback they provide could prove incredibly valuable going forward. They may have ideas for new question formats, or they may find one type of test easier to understand or more useful than another.

Click 4 Course is ready to help you launch your online courses with our helpful staff and willingness to communicate with you by phone and email to ensure your success!